View Profile raveninskyprime
Still learning the ups and downs of flash animation and also moving on to 3d rendering. I hope to someday be employed as a video game designer or advertiser or something invovling making cool looking things. I'm also currently writing a graphic novel.


Joined on 11/26/07

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raveninskyprime's News

Posted by raveninskyprime - March 2nd, 2008

Last month, February 19, 2008, my father passed away. He was out jogging with a coworker and, for reasons that are still unknown, collapsed early in the jog. The ambulance arrived nearly five minutes later and despite every intervention that they could do could not get a response.

My father's funeral was last Friday, February the 29th. Over 200 people attended. Friends, family, coworkers and many others that I simply didn't recognize.

I loved my father very much, so to did my brother and my mother. It was at least comforting to know that so many others also loved him as much as we did.

"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew."
~Abraham Lincoln

For Darryl Pearce
July 19, 1960- February 19, 2008

A Tragic Affair


Posted by raveninskyprime - February 8th, 2008

One of the groups at Bungie.net is having a contest for photoshoping a particular image of the Master Chief. This was my entry...

A post for a Bungie.net contest.

Posted by raveninskyprime - January 28th, 2008

What would you call him?

Here he is!

Posted by raveninskyprime - January 28th, 2008

I posted this in the Art Forum as well under "Mecha Sketches," I think it's nice looking.

Just goofing around...

Posted by raveninskyprime - January 24th, 2008

I think I'm improving with my artwork. I left flash behind me and decided to go ahead and focus on making stuff in photoshop, and the results have been very invigorating! Have a look!

My Improving Artwork

Posted by raveninskyprime - January 15th, 2008

I hate it when I write what I think is a moderate response only to be recieved as a slap across the face with a leather glove, I hate it when this happens!

Recently in the art forums I posted a WIP for one of my art classes and asked what people thought about it... Heck, even MindChamber decided to toss in his two cents and my reply... was not taken well.

Now I got people trashing me on my thread for being a dick to one of the more well known moderators. How irritating is that?

So yeah, I take it my reputation here on this site is bonned. Here's to being recognized as one of the most immature people on Newgrounds. Around here... that's a really disgusting honor to be carrying around...

Posted by raveninskyprime - January 4th, 2008

Well, for anyone that reads these posts every now and again, I have been steadily adding page by page my story to the Art Forum. The responses I've been getting have been surprisingly positive and contructive. You know how it is on Newgrounds, there are times when people are haters just for the sake of being haters. Not true on this Art Forum thread so far and it has been a real treat adding my stuff to it.

I've also noticed that I'm part of a trend on the Art Forums, it appears that several other people are uploading their comic book styled ideas as well. My vision is that all of us eager comic artists/writers will band together to create an engine for world domination! ... Or simply put all of our projects together somehow to support one another...

Well, that's all for now. Until next time!

Posted by raveninskyprime - January 1st, 2008

Happy New Year! Woot!

Posted by raveninskyprime - December 20th, 2007

Well, my semester at Moorpark college is over, and I managed to get out alive with a 4.0 gpa. That is my first 4.0 ever. This entire year has been great, scholistically speaking. I've managed to maintain at least a 3.0 this whole year.

So, it finally feels like I've earned my three week break and can fully enjoy it for what it is. Here are some of the year's highlights:

Got my stuff back from Seattle, I honestly thought I would never see any of it again but I was pleasantly surprised when codename "Delerium" popped by out of the blue to give me my stuff. I don't think I'll ever have my head on straight when it comes to her.

I finally got enough gusto to give the finger to a guy that has been working his butt off to piss me off. He's now been cut completely out of my life, since then I've been allowed to concentrate even harder on my work.

My family got a new puppy this year, her name is Molly and she's a cocker spaniel. She's only 3 1/2 months old and like most babbies does not know where to poo yet. (Primary reason why I haven't submitted a flash to the portal this month).

Ever since I took my philosophy class I've sticked to my guns that Hedonism, Egoism and Moral Relativity in any of their forms put together in any combination is a terrible world view to have and have continued to stay vocal about them.

Finally, my buddy graduated from San Jose recently and has his bachelor's in aviation, I couldn't be happier for him. It appears he'll be working for the air control tower and a local airport. It will be nice to see him more often these days.

Well, that's all... oh... and Kirk can has recon!!

Semester Over

Posted by raveninskyprime - December 14th, 2007

Well, I've been on Newgrounds for just over a month it seems and I have to say I'm really coming to like the community. There are certain gems that find themselves into the flash portal that I really appreciate.

That said, I think it's clear that I'll really have to pick up and improve my skill at the animation aspect.

I think my Wind Claw montage will testify that I'm a realitively good illustrator, but the response was just
barely less than what I was hoping (Just a 3.0, is that too much to ask for a good amount of work?). Yep,
I've learned that if I'm going to do original content it needs to have that "put you on the floor" quality or it
just wont float. I mean, my really crudy Star Trek animation has more views than my Wind Claw one...

I think this is a shame, but it's proof of concept that I really need to be competitive. I can't just do with
tweening images across the screen when I have something like Silver Cats to compete with... it just
wont do!

With that said, I definetely would like to learn more action script. Just fleshing out features will improve
one's enjoyement immensley. I need to be able to make my own preloader and end-title screen with
the "replay" option... which I don't know how to do.... curses me being new!

If any of ya'll can help out that would be great. Until next time!