Yeah, it's like Batman Begins/The Dark Knight...
But that most certainly isn't a bad thing, especially since it has just enough originality to carry it through and stand on it's own.
Yeah, it's like Batman Begins/The Dark Knight...
But that most certainly isn't a bad thing, especially since it has just enough originality to carry it through and stand on it's own.
Thank you so much for the review. It's exactly what I wanted to push for, originiality but with that 'sound'. :D
Thankyou once again.
It's not often that I hear a piece of classical music on Newgrounds that actually sounds like it's title... you have no idea how many times I've clicked on a song with "battle" on the title and get bored to sleep... and it's even worse with ones that have 'love' in their title.
You nailed it, this is Fortune and Glory.
Awesome music!
This tune rocked my socks!
Getting high?
I don't know about getting high when I get up, but this does have a sort of 'epic' quality to it. Like some sort of funky boss fight or somerthing.
The way it should be!
This was the most Star Trek thing I've heard in a while!
Come on, dash jump!!
This really brought back the nostalgia, thanks!
It wasn't what I expected, but the track kept me interested the whole way through. I think that speaks volumes.
Still learning the ups and downs of flash animation and also moving on to 3d rendering. I hope to someday be employed as a video game designer or advertiser or something invovling making cool looking things. I'm also currently writing a graphic novel.
Joined on 11/26/07